I did not know any of this information about the reuseable bags. I am a frequent user as most of us now a days. Read and pay attention..The information is from research going on in Arizona. Sound like it good be something to consider.
The E coli virus was found in these plastic reuseable bags . This is easily remeady by washing out the bag before each use. Never did this but sounds like a good idea.
Here are four tips that is now being recomended.
Sanitize your bags
Seperate raw foods from other products
DO NO use the grocery bags for other purposes. I am very quilty of this. Use any of the bags for anything. SO be aware and only use the grocery bags for that purpose.
DO NOT leave the bags in the car. The heat will promote the growth of bacteria. WHO knew that?
Just so we can all be aware.
Wow I did not know any of this and as you know I use a lot of bags all the time.