The salto family

The salto family
Welcome all

Friday, July 30, 2010

It's Friday

Thought I would leave you guys with a thought for the weekend, in case I do not get back on-line. This is a HAPPY thought, for me anyway.
Time: so good and so bad. To much, not enough. Americans seem all to consumed with TIME.
Let us think about this and try to enjoy TIME this weekend and some fun. Your life really is a BLINK in the sceam of things. Make the time to be in your life. Enjoy a moment, call a friend. Be with friends and family. Even just enjoying a cup of tea. Read a newspaper. I think the key to this might be to STOP procrastinatin and just do. I think I plan to much and then get very upset when things do not get accomplished. There is the ole saying .."never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.."
So let all try this for weekend and see if we can enjoy time and maybe even have a feeling of fullment.

good for your skin

I was totally fascinated by this article from a site called livestrong. It gave me some great ideas that I wanted to pass on about your skin and food.
LOWFAT dairy products help skin cells regenerate, they have Vitamin A.

Berries: high in antioxidant content. Also contain vitamin C and fiber.
Pomegranates and juice: One of the healthiest foods you can eat. (I call it the new superfood). Can help strengthen blood vessels
Green Tea: antioxidants and vitamins especially C, D and K. Green tea can also be found in commercial skin creams.
Whole grain: Essential Vit B which helps regulate the displacement of dead skin cells and new growth.
Foods rich in Vit E can help protect the skin from sun damage and help generate new cells.

So eat and enjoy for your skin and for your health.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Positive force

I am hoping to be a force this month. Being cheerful and productive to family and friends.
Start small, be consistent and positive. Be healthy in mind and body to build your actions. Your actions might inspire others to do the same. this is what I am hoping for. It is said that Kindness can be paid back two-fold. I have heard this is called the "kindness chain". Let us pass this on.


The most important meal of the day. I know you have heard this many times before but PEOPLE is is so true.

Here are a few tried and true ideas that are easy to fix and can be done ahead of time.

Prepare a casserole the night before.
ncorporate complex carbs such as whole wheat toast and bagels spread with peanut, almond etc butter and raisins.
Bake bran muffins early in week and grab one or two in the morning.
Make waffles to freeze and then pop in toaster.
Don't forget cold cereal suck as Wheaties and cheerios.
Whole-egg or egg white omelet with fresh or frozen veggies.
Make a shake or smoothie to drink on the way to work. Add a bag of finger food and you are good to go.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Chicken recipe

I love fried chi cken but have not partaken for awhile. When I found this recipe, I was thrilled. ENJOY

1/3 cup all purpose flour
1/4tsb table salt
1/8 tsp cayenne, black pepper, garlic and onion powder
3 oz buttermilk
1/2 cup cornflake crumbs
boneless skinlees chicken breast

Preheat oven to 365 degres..lightly coat 8 x 8 x2 inch baking dish with nonstick spray
Combine flour other dry ingredients in a bowl. Evenly coat chicken in buttermilk and then dip in corn flakes and flour mixture.
Place coated chicken inbaking dish. Bake until tender 25 to 30 mins.

Water exercise

Hey try it you might enjoy. This is a great time of year and water exercise can be done on vacations also.
Resistance-you ca work opposing muscles at the same time
Buoyancy- reduces your weight putting less tress on your joints, bones and muscles. Water fitness requires the use of your "core" (back, abdominal and obliques).
Swim laps or tread water, use some weights.
Remember that you still need to warm up and stretch.
Be aware and do not exercise alone.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Golf Nutrition

The fun of playing golf is great for your body too, but be aware that you might need some extra nutrition to help the process.
EAT before you play. This will provide a steady release of energy while you play. Go for complex carbs and protein.
Eat during the game. You are trying to maintain a balance energy level to get the most out of your game. Carry portable snacks and munch throughout the game. Save the last snack for the 16th hole.
HYDRATION is the key to a successful game. Bring a portable water bottle and fill during the game preferably every four to five holes. Watch your caffeine or alcohol intake due to risk of dehydration. Enjoy these after the game in the lounge.

I am not a real golfer but all this advise sounds good and might be helpful, I hope.


On a Budget..not sure if these words actually go together. Howerver; Mother Earth News says it possible so "I thought I would pass on these hints.

Try to stick to local grown Organic. You know that this product did not travel far or that you might have picked it yourself.

Join your local agriculture project. Check out the SCA program on-line.

Buy in Season and learn new recipes for these grerat products.

Buy in Bulk and share or freeze. You might even want to try canning. (It is said that Happiness can be found in doing it yourself).

This one I thought was interesting and have been looking into. Join or create a food buying group. Try

Be picky: Check out the 2010 Shopper's guide to Pesticides. Try buying the the worst ones on the list in organic.

ALSO try growing your own. This has been a rough summer for this in Jersey anyway.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thought of the week

Keeping things into perspective!
With the life that has been happening lately, I am really trying to do this. Focus on opportunities that TODAY brings. Do not get caught up in the mishaps and the struggles. I know I have a tendency to make myself anxious over day to day things that might happen or stew over the mistakes. I am trying for the positive approach in mind and spirit. SMILE and the world smiles back! (was this a song). Anyway a good idea no matter. How are you feeling?- answer with a smile and positive attitude. Give the day the value that it deserves.

frozen dinners

Good or bad. I am leaning toward the good. This is 6 billion dollar industry, it can not be all bad.
Quick easy
Built in portion control
Vegetable servings
Perfect for one
Easy prep
Watch out for potpies, Hungry man dinners, extra-cheese
Balanced and contains lean source of protein.
No more than 300-400 calories
Watch sodium, saturated fat
ADD a side salad or fruit to help balance the meal.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Easy relaxation

A calmer, healthier you? Doesn't that sound good. Does to me and it is what I have been trying to work on in my Happiness Project.
Found some ideas that I have been trying over the last couple of weeks. My life is Topsy turfy now, so I think these new ideas are helping. See what you think.
DEEP breathing--we all know this but tend to forget about the proper way to breath.
Mental imagery..this is one of the hardest ideas for me. I know that other people say it works great but my mind just does not seem to to the right place to pull up any images. Another trick is trying to imagine the stress just flowing out of your body.
Meditation: is the act of consciously focusing on one thought, object or word. Is known to boost creativity, help solve problems. This can be done anytime anywhere.
Relaxing music and sounds: can clear your mind, rid you of stress and detox your body.
Try all or anyone of these. They might help on a regular basis or when you really have had a bad day.

reuseable bags

I did not know any of this information about the reuseable bags. I am a frequent user as most of us now a days. Read and pay attention..The information is from research going on in Arizona. Sound like it good be something to consider.
The E coli virus was found in these plastic reuseable bags . This is easily remeady by washing out the bag before each use. Never did this but sounds like a good idea.
Here are four tips that is now being recomended.
Sanitize your bags
Seperate raw foods from other products
DO NO use the grocery bags for other purposes. I am very quilty of this. Use any of the bags for anything. SO be aware and only use the grocery bags for that purpose.
DO NOT leave the bags in the car. The heat will promote the growth of bacteria. WHO knew that?
Just so we can all be aware.

Friday, July 2, 2010

soothe headache

from Woman's Day magazine , I read an article about food and headaches. Give it a try and respond so all might know if these foods help you or not.
Bake potato:with the skin is great source of potassium which can be one of the elements lacking when a headache arrives.
Watermelon: Dehydration is one of the causes of headaches, so reach for some water-rich foods like watermelon. Any fruit contains some water and minerals which will help with prevention. Keep yourself hydrated as much as possible for prevention.
Coffee: Yes, in moderation, java does work. How! helps reduce the blood vessels which might help with the headache.
Whole grain: too little carbs might bring on a headache. If you suspect this is the case, grab a healthy carb-whole wheat brand, oatmeal, fruit or yogurt. Might also get you in a better mood by increasing the serotonin(the so called fell-good hormone).
Almonds (my favorite nut) magnesium may protect from the brunt of a headache by relaxing the blood vessels. Some other sources for magnesium are bananas, avocados, brown rice, legumes.
Yogurt: have been mentioning a lot-also contains calcium which your body could be calling for when the headache arrives.
Sesame seeds: sprinkle them on salads or on top of oatmeal soups. These tiny seeds hold a big punch. Improves circulation, stabilize estrogen levels and good source of magnesium.
Spinach: Has been shown to decrease blood vessel pressure, prevent hangovers and may help with headache. Try using spinach for your salad, watermelon, apricots and some walnuts and you have a powerful headache relief formula.
REMEMBER these are all just suggestions that might help. Don't hold me or Woman's day to this as a hard fact.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Grocery store Good-Better-Best

Some quick thoughts for your next grocery store visit in finding the healthiest choices.
Milk: good 2%, Better !% Best skim
Yogurt: Good low fat, Better low fat fortified Best Plain nonfat
Bread: Good whole grain, Better 100% whole grain BEST light 100% whole wheat
Cereal: Cereal without marshmallow, or food coloring Better whole grain BEST whole grain low in sugar
Pasta: Durum wheat pasta Better whole-wheat BEST omega 3 enriched whole wheat
Deli meat: Good turkey or chicken slices, Better low sodium lean meats BEST whole cuts of meat with no processing grilled at home.
You get my drift. Shop wisely and read labels.

Grocery store Good-Better-Best

blessing and gifts

Why don't you guys take time this Fourth of July weekend to think about the good things in your life> Consider just how lucky we are to be living in the 21st century. What a lot we have experience in the last decade. Sometimes it is just so amazing. I hop that all can appreciate this fact and enjoy what is happening. I know that much is going wrong with this state and the country but still we can try and look at the good also. Try to enjoy the moment. and the freedom that has come from so many before us.