The salto family

The salto family
Welcome all

Thursday, June 28, 2012

stress buster

I seam to feel stressed all the time. Since I started my happiness project, I have been trying analyse WHY. Found a good article that helped me evaluate my stress and try to rid myself of some of it.
Want to give it a try?  Take a walk, not only good for exercise, good for thinking and clearing one's mind.
Call a friend..might be just the thing you are needed at the time. Might even be good for them also. Noone knows what we are feeling or thinking, if we do not reach out.
Write in a journal..I stopped this for awhile but have started again. This helps me focus on what might really by bothering me..seems to help release the troubles
Play a game..I am not to game friendly but think that others might be-a puzzle might be the same idea.
Work up a sweat..jump rope, bike, workout, Picture the stress leaving your body through the sweaty pores.
Fun---yes, we do deserve to have fun. Whatever it might be-will take your mind off the stress even for a sort while and may even present a solution.
My favorite TAKE A BATH--put on some music, add bubbles, candles..SLOOOOw down-try to clear your mind. RELAX
Anyone else have some ideas that you might use? Share..


Are you a person who peaks before you think of the consequences? OOOPS, I sometimes am. Going along with this is listening. Can you truely say you listen when someone is speaking to you?  Bother!!
Today, I feel we are really challenge by this idea.mWe seem to have to deal with talk, talk, talk all day..the lonely customer, a nosy mother-in-law, co-worker or you child, grandchild.  Mom, mom, Gram, Gram...UGH..close my ears..
It has been said that a good leader, is someone who can listen before giving advice.
How about you rush right in to give advice? Try to listen and think before you spout your advice, that might not be wanted in the first place.
Give respect to a person who is speaking--you would want that in return right? We all deserve to be heard.
The philosopher Epictetus says that we where given one tongue and two ears so we can listen twice as often (or something like that).
So as I say to my grandson, Put on your listening ears now.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

protein without meat

IF you are like me, you are concerned with eating to much meat. Sometimes I am even getting some reaction to meat, especially red meat. So how do you get protein, if you are not a meat eater.
I have given some suggestion below that I have found in many articles and have been trying them.

Nuts ofcourse" fiber, heatrt healthy fatty acids. Nuts are very veritile-they can be used to add to many dishes. Store nuts in refridge and WATCH portion size
Seeds grab some protein and other nutrients-best one hemp, pumpkin flaxseed. All easy to add to many dishes as well as eating a handful for snack.
Legumes: soybeans, lentils, split peas, navy beans kidney and even lima.
Grains: since I am trying to watch the wheat part of this food group, I have switched oats, quinoa, bulger and rice. Still don't forget whole wheat if you do not have any reaction.
Diary: cottage cheese is my favorite but almost any diary product provides protein
So eat up friends and do not be afraid to go meatless at least some of the time.

joint pain

My youngest daughter is having a lot of joint pain that can not be diagnosed. With this in mind, I was doing some searching and found a great article in magazine Natural Health. I wanted to share a few point in my own paraphrase, in case others are suffering.
First are some general prevention, since I think many people have joint pain of some kind.
loose weight
eat joint friendly foods-fruit, veggies, whole grain
Exercise-low impact, joint friendly
Physical therapy if you can
Vitamin D
Lower heel shoes
USE supplements--but check with Dr first Can't swear by any of these. Use common sense and Dr advice
  Fish oil, SAM-E (this one never heard of-it is a natural amino acid)
  ASU comes from avocado/soybean--need to read more on this
  Turmeric smooths swollen joints
  Capsaicin cream
As I find more info for myself and daughter will continue to share. Anyone have advice, join in.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


the most important meal of the day. What are your thoughts on breakfast? I have really been trying to to enjoy this fine time of the day. I still find myself crabbing a bite and eating in the Car on the way to work. Oh well.
Read a great article on breakfast by a sparks writter Tanva Jolliffe. Very interested. Sharing a few tidbits in my own words....Since I tend to either drink my own protein drink or have cereal , I thought the rules of fives she talks about very important items to look for on a label.
 5 grams of fiber and LESS than 5 grams of sugar
  3 grams of protein for more per serving
  top ingredients should be whole wheat or wheat bran
AVoID hydrogenated oil, dyes, chemical preservatives
According to the article the top rated cereal Spoon size shredded wheat
  Kashi 7 whole grain
General mills cheerios was at the bottom of the top ten.
I have been told to try and stay away from wheat..that is a challenge, so what can I eat. Any suggestions out there.?
Do you have a favorite cold cereal> I have been leaning toward oat products now.

Monday, June 4, 2012

lighting fires

Are you a complainer? So many people are these days. I have been trying not to do so. I am trying to stop the complaints and step up to see what I can do about some problems within my reach. I feel that individuals can make a difference if they try. Don't just sit back and complain. Lend a hand, make a phone call, cook a meal, be a friend. Can we think positive change? Yes. 
Being in my new situation, is a challenge unto itself. I hope I can keep my own advice in content. This branch is different but we are still the same. I feel I have some new ideas to contribute, and hope I will get the opportunity.
Think about this :What can you do to make a difference? Act on this.  Remember we are still pursuing the happiness goal.