The salto family

The salto family
Welcome all

Monday, August 24, 2009

Round 14

Around and around we go.

As I made it through another weekend(My down fall time) I found an article about junk food. Thought I would pass along these thoughts. ( American Inst for cancer research)

Almost a quarter of the calories we eat are from junk food which fills us up, prevents weight loss and can cause disease. UGH
Too many calories from soda, sweets and dessert
Soft drinks have been found to be the number one source of calories in the American diet with desserts and alcohol being a fast paced second. Then along come the salty foods.
What can we do?
Between meal snacks and drinks can be the first place we start the cut back on these high intense calorie foods.
People who are over weight can still be under nourished. Eat healthy to improve your overall health.
People who consume these high fat foods TEND to not eat a balanced diet of the rich nutrient foods that the body needs.
The junk food increases a person risk of getting disease because you deprive your body of the nutrients and photochemical you need.
So let us be good to ourselves and limit the junk food.

Twoo steps ahead

When you are stress and seem to have an endless hours ahead of you, stop and think two steps ahead. This is a motivation clue that will keep one focused on the big picture of loosing weight and keeping it off.
Motivation is the key!
After a long day REST is screaming at you-the two step approach. You are still tried but determined to achieve your goals in the big picture.
Some helpful hints!
Self-confidence is higher when we struggle and conquer a rough situation.
Think that you are doing things for your health so you can keep up with life.
Be smart about your health.
STEP two approach reminds us to be consistent and SEE the end results we are looking toward.

positive face

My attitude for the week
Put a smile on your face. Both the person who smiles and the one who receives the smile see a positive reaction. This tiny act can perk up a persons day, change an attitude and put some fun in a day. So let us all put on positive face.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

grass truely greener

A little philosophy

Do you compare your life to others. We are constantly bombarded with daily images of posh lifestyle which most of us do not have. To combat this make a list of some of your privileges..won car, drinkable water. job, freedoms.
Let us be grateful for what we have.
This is especially good advice to pass on to today's children and do it early.

after workout

I have been talking to friend who has started a new gym with per. trainers, message and nutrition. (What a time to start) but any way. She made some suggestions thatI waqnted to shareout after you work out.
Cool Down-a light cardo is teh best
Stretch-prevents shrinking, allows muscle to rebuild
Drink water
Refuel-rrepair muscles and boost your energy-look for items packed with complex cars and high protein.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Do you feel the staff room and or your own ketchen is a place to avoid? You might be afraid of the people who are sabatoging your efforts in the battle of the bulge.
Do people make you feel guilty?
Learn to say NO
Take it and leave it
Look for patterns in your eating
Ask for help-this is what the whole challenge is about
BE A GROWNup by taking responsibility of what you are putting in your mouth.
NO BLAME game here!!

Food journal

I think the challenge talked about this before but I just want to do a reminder. I feel somewhat bogged down and have hit a plateau. Revisiting a journal might be the key to finding out what might be my problem.
Don't forget to add how much you are eating
When and where you are eating
What you are doing when eating
and of course any exercise

Speaking of exercise. Time magazine has an article about exercise this week. Check it our-some good insight into the debate of good, bad, how much too little.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Still going?

I do not know about you guys but when does this end.
Having some motivation and goal challenges? Here are some quick suggestions that might help.

Medium-term goal: Break down your weight loss goals into 5 lb segments and also your exercise reps.
I am trying this in week time frames.
Don't forget to reward yourself.

instant office energizers

I might have already thrown this out but I came up with some more simple stretches.
Elbow butterflies stretch:Inhale, squeezing your shoulder together. Exhale, bringing your elbows forward to stretch the back of your shoulders.
Hamstring Stretch: Stand with feet-hip apart. Step right foot forward, heel on floor and toes flexed upward. Bend knee slightlyu forward-hold 30 seconds. Repeat with other foot.
Seated cat stretch: sit upright with hands on thigh., Inhale while looking forward and lengthening spine. Exhale and lower chin toward chest.
Back and thigh toner: Sit upright against the wall while reading the mail. (love this one)