The salto family

The salto family
Welcome all

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Diet tips

I am back to WATCHIMG my weight again and it is going up sooo, I need to be careful.
Found a website that gave me some tips for continuing healthcastle. I am sure we all know this but I feel that at this time for me, I need some re-enforcements
Eat at least five servings of fruits and veggies a day. Do any of us really do this?
Portion size: We all know that the portions we receive especially at a restaurant at just to big. I general am able to get two meals out of mine.
Do not skip a meal. I am finding that I can no longer consume just three big meals a day which is not good for a person anyway. I eat smaller bits at least 4 or 5 during the day.
Wholesome fresh foods. Avoid the processed, convenient packaged food are higher in sodium and fat. Bring your lunch, do not stop for Dunkin.
Treat yourself. Remember we are not on a diet, but a NEW eating plan, so give yourself a small portion of ice cream, one piece of candy or a cookie.
LABELS: the mystery of labels. One must really educate ourselves to these labels and make them our friends.
Drinks: water, eater. Again I say water. Watch the sugary drinks(they are not your friends).
Food journal. YES we need to keep a journal. I know that I tend to forget what I eat during the day. Writing it down at night wakes one up. (Might also help with spending)
EXERCISE, yes I know. Who am I to say this. Miss no exercise. I keep it in my mind (which does no good). We all know we need to exercise, so let us get to it. SPRING has arrived. Get outside. RIGHT!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Frozen dinners

Oh no! you say not for me. But I feel that you can say yes to these quick time savers once in awhile. I have been reading some articles that agree with me. These meals have really come a long way from the days of TV dinners. They contain more nutrients, less fat and salt and
PORTION control. Did you think of that?
Quick and Easy
Single serving for the single person
Easy prep for those times when we are feeling down, sore, pain, disability.
More Economical than eating out but not for every day use.

From one article found in Sparks a dietitian gave these hints :
Try for taste. Not all frozen meals are created equally.
Beware of pot pies, Hungry Man, extra cheese.
Choose selections that contain source of protein-no more than 300-400 calories.
Watch the saturated fat and sodium content.
Add a side salad with low calorie dressing or fruit to add a nice extra touch and balance to your meal.
I have found that I am eating more of these meals in order to add some protein to my diet. As I have mentioned, I do add salad or fruit. This gives me a variety away from from my vegetables that I normally eat for lunch and dinner.


that allusive item that we do not seem to have enough of. What can we do to help ourselves manage time.
Time audit: How do you really spend your time. Take a look at your schedule for at least a week. Evaluate the places you go and the time spent doing activities. Be honest. Are you running your life or is someone else? Combine and cut to be most effective.

To-do list:daily weekly, continuous with a calender or schedule. This list can be productive if used the correct way. Do not forget to prioritize the list.

Waste time: Don't! Bring something to do while waiting in the Dr's office, for practice to be over etc. Try to combine chores with watching the news or talking to friends.

Stock up:To avoid always running to the store, post office etc. keep items on hand. I like to keep nonperishable items in stock also. This way when making a recipe, or shopping the items are always handy.

SYSTEM: Whatever you are attempting to do-have a system. Really makes the process much easier and less time consuming. Use sticky notes to help all family members in the process.

Perfectionist: Don't (my favorite because I am not). I have found and I imagine some of you agree, that not everything has to be perfect. This idea is Way to hard to even think about. Do things the best that you can and then go on to the next chore.

No: the little word that is so hard to say. Focus on your goals especially the healthy ones and this word is not so hard to say. It could all be a matter of timing. Remember you are important. I find that I am the only one who can keep myself healthy in order to do the activities I truely want to do.
Don't you think that time management is really about managing yourself? I do. People really want to do what is important to them first and then fit in the other stuff. I feel this in turn will keep one on an even plain and happier in the long run.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Natural remedies

Old wives tales-whatever you might want to call them..they work. Found a great article in Woman's Day home remedies. Some of the Dr's are even suggesting these for those patients who are getting tired of antibiotics all the time. My children have admitted being told by Pediatrician that my ideas that I have suggested are not so radical. WOW.
Duct tape-I have actually not heard about this: removing warts, yes this has been proven that the duck tape plus a pumice stone to remove the dead skin. Maybe it suffocates the warts and the tape has an irritant that might make your own systems immune kick in.
Vapor cure nail fungus. OK this is another wild one-Using vapor rub once or twice a day has shown that it works according to patients, maybe it smothers the infected nail.
Oatmeal to soothe Eczema:Oats have anti-inflammatory properties. Try to soak the area for 15 minutes. Can be used as a paste or inn the bath. The oats reduce the redness.
Yogurt to cure bad breath: Bad breath can come from your or your stomach(i did not know this)
Yogurt can neutralize the bad breathe effect and the acid that lives anywhere between the mouth and the stomach. Now what do you think of this? I love yogurt
Olives for motion sickness: since I have all kinds of motion problems. Found this interesting but have not tried. This has to be done at the very beginning before the sickness starts. The olives are said to release tannins which work to help dry the saliva which in turns should help with the reaction of sickness.
Salt water for sore throat:The water helps draw out the fluid which temporary reduces swelling and the pain. Really does work but it is short lived like most other throat treatments. OFCOURSE it does nothing for the real problems whatever they are.

Some new tales to think about and some old ones. IF anyone tries one of these let us all on the blog know. Will make for an interesting discussion.

Monday, April 18, 2011


A little more on goals: Start small-little steps make the goals work PAPER Track yourself on paper, journal, paint a correct picture Habits The smallest of actions done daily or weekly become a habit. We want our new life style to become a habit one action at a time. SEE your goal: They need attention. Think about your goals, read your goals, write your goals-surround yourself with your goal. Consistence: Isn't this what we want to do all the time UGH. This gives us power to manage our goals and be productive. Setbacks: yes we all make mistakes. Do not let that get you down. We have to be our fan! Trust: one has put much thought into your goals and your plan. Trust that plan and trust yourself. Especially in the weight loss category-it takes time. The weight did not go on at once and will not come off that quickly either. HAVE fun!! YES, I really mean this. Since I have started my healthy eating, I am having fun. Not thinking about the eating and loosing. Let us think of this as a discovery. I hope these thought might be of use to you and yours especially if you are on the healthy journey with me.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Put yourself first

Now that is a statement. I am afraid that so many of us do not do this. I know that for many years, I was last. Life was in the way. Even though, I am basically a single woman now on my does not always service first. The real FACT is we should take care of ourselves first in order to be of help to others. Sooner or later the old "burn out" is going to happen. I know so many others things happen; however MAKE the time. Believe it or not the other people in your life will appreciate what you are doing. Share what you are trying with the other members of you family and social unit. Being busy for the sake of being busy is really counter productive. Value: your emotional and physical health Schedule fun activities-laugh Try to do some combining of activities with fun and exercise Don't try to change every problem at once-going slowly will help you and others adjust to what you are trying One of the hardest things I have learned is "NO". Please believe that you do not have to the one who does everything at home, at work, or in your social life. Try to keep the balance.


Probably this week might be dedicated to goals. Not sure yet but we will see. Today for sure Are you as person who puts off goals? too the ONCE land! Once the new year comes, once I have my new job...This seems to be a waste of time waiting for Once. Life seems to keep getting in our way when we are waiting-something will always stand in your way if a person lets this happen. Might these things be excuses! AH!! you say-the procastinator has arisen waiting for the future. Let us remember that a person can only act in the present-here today. So start your goals and/or continue your goals. The right time to start is now.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Sharing is achieving. I have not mentioned our goals lately. I seem to going up and down on keeping with my, so I am sharing, which has been said to help all who share. Just remember to pick a true friend, who will be supportive as well as truthful. Family..usually are very supportive to your healthy goals, especially if sharing with a partner who is also trying the healthy lifestyle. Avoid the nay sayers. When you come across someone who is consistently putting your ideas down, telling you how silly or unproductive, stop sharing. They truly are not going to be of any help. These people can still be friends just not in this matter. Be supportive and offer encouragement to your friends and family. "What goes around comes around." REALLY there is strength in numbers. Want to keep your friends, you have to return the favor. Fit your needs and goals into your life in varied ways. Once a person has voiced the goals to others, I feel you are more likely to continue to work on them. Hey the new goals might even become a new habit and be FUN!!!


Yes, we all know that everyone of us experience some kind of hardships in our lives. Some more than others. I feel that the way we handle the hardships to be very fasinating to watch. Do you feel that handships can build character or to become bitter. Choose the choice of character and live a truly productive happy life. I have read somewhere that happiness and sadness don't happen to us it comes from within. As we live, we are writing the next chapter of our lives. It will be written weather we pasrticiapate or not. So lets us all try our best to be a help to our life instead of a hindrance.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Food and headaches

I know that there are foods that certainly cause headaches but I did not know that some foods can help. What a great idea so I am posting. Use as you might: Came from Woman's day mag Health and Healthy diet foods I am doing this quickly because it was a long article.. Baked potato:especially if the headache is from alcohol-related. It seems the potassium helps with this Watermelon (love this fruit) Helps with the dehydration which is one the major causes of headaches. Eating as a fruit or use in smoothie Coffee: now this is debatable. Java or the caffeine can help the blood vessels but to much is also a cause of headaches- therefore, be careful with this one. Whole grain toast:to little carbs might bring on a headache by depletion of glycogen and also fluid lose (dehydration). BE aware and reach for the good carbs which might even help with your mood. Almonds: I keep hearing about these wonder foods. I love almonds so I eat them regular anyway. Almonds area good source of magnesium which helps relax the blood vessels. Spicy Salsa: since these usually cause my headaches, I was surprised at this. Can help clear up congestion, and help with pressure. Yogurt: You might be calling for calcium so grab a yogurt. Sesame Seeds: Sprinkle them on salads, in your oatmeal or soups. These little seeds are just a great nutritional value food. rich in magnesium, vit E. Can also improve circulation which might help in prevention of headaches. This is amazing. I have trying this but can't comment yet.

sensible wine drinking

Not sure if this is a play on words but read an intriguing article eating-well and health from a web site With the new research being done on wine and its effects on your health, very interesting new article are appearing all the time. Just remember the KEY is in moderation. Here are some guide lines this web site provided. I put them into my own words, so I don't get in trouble and find them very interesting KEY characteristics of sensible wine drinking Appreciation: wine's role in rituals, festivities Acknowledgement: the current evidence Agreement:on society's role to teach people of all ages of excess drinking Awareness: of lifestyle benefits GUIDELINES With the above in mind the article went on about guidelines Drank by healthy adults in moderation Consumed in social or celebratory occasions, while eating of meals Be a role model when drinking around younger people Be consistent about your drinking habits promoting moderation at all times MOST importantly drink slowly to enjoy the great taste of wine that brings fun to your daily life. read and enjoy ALL