The salto family

The salto family
Welcome all

Monday, February 28, 2011


This post fits back into my happiness project.
This has been a tough month for youngest daughter and myself, but we made it through. Thank you lord. Sunday was a great day inmost ways, so there is some brightness in the horizon.
BE HAPPY and you might even benefit your body, mind and soul.
Think about a it tries to gain new knowledge. Always so happy when things are accomplished. Do we want to take a new step in the happiness project?

What do you truly believe? Tough question.
Do what you really want to do? Very interesting right? Hello happy, goodbye anger.

Move to your own music. Always like this saying. Take some thinking about what this would mean to each individual but worth thinking about.
Take responsibility for your own stuff, no blaming, forgive and move on.
Find what you are looking for in yourself before you go looking elsewhere. REMEMBER you are the only person who can truly make yourself happy beside God.

Why don't we digest this for awhile. I think I am doing entirely to much reading on this subject.
All post our welcome. We could get a good discussion going.

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