The salto family

The salto family
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Diet tips

I am back to WATCHIMG my weight again and it is going up sooo, I need to be careful.
Found a website that gave me some tips for continuing healthcastle. I am sure we all know this but I feel that at this time for me, I need some re-enforcements
Eat at least five servings of fruits and veggies a day. Do any of us really do this?
Portion size: We all know that the portions we receive especially at a restaurant at just to big. I general am able to get two meals out of mine.
Do not skip a meal. I am finding that I can no longer consume just three big meals a day which is not good for a person anyway. I eat smaller bits at least 4 or 5 during the day.
Wholesome fresh foods. Avoid the processed, convenient packaged food are higher in sodium and fat. Bring your lunch, do not stop for Dunkin.
Treat yourself. Remember we are not on a diet, but a NEW eating plan, so give yourself a small portion of ice cream, one piece of candy or a cookie.
LABELS: the mystery of labels. One must really educate ourselves to these labels and make them our friends.
Drinks: water, eater. Again I say water. Watch the sugary drinks(they are not your friends).
Food journal. YES we need to keep a journal. I know that I tend to forget what I eat during the day. Writing it down at night wakes one up. (Might also help with spending)
EXERCISE, yes I know. Who am I to say this. Miss no exercise. I keep it in my mind (which does no good). We all know we need to exercise, so let us get to it. SPRING has arrived. Get outside. RIGHT!!

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