The salto family

The salto family
Welcome all

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Where's the time?

American's are know to be in a RUSH asll the time. Just take vacation to Europe and see the differnce in time and schedules. All this over scheduling is taking a toll on our lives.
I have been thinking about this much since I am older and really want to have more time with my kids and grandkids. Came up with some thoughts I wanted to shsare.
Try to set a certain amount of time each day to do what you want. If you are like me, you will have to do this slowly but it is well worth the effort.
Take task and make them smaller time periods. A little bit of a project completted is better than nothing.
BUNDLE task, errands to budget your time and your trips.
AKS for help when needed or hire someone.
Do you really HAVE to this task? Think about this--takes a moment or two. Priorities?
Energy drainers...take a look-do you you have some these in your life? Do you really want to keep them around?
DO SOMETHING special at least once a week. What makes you happy. Might have to spend some time thinking about this. Women espcially tend to put themselves lower down on the list. It's called PLAY-do some of this at least once a week. Does a person good and it can be habit forming!!

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