The salto family

The salto family
Welcome all

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

clean out

The worst food in fridge or freezer!!
Funny, this weekend I just did this and then I found the article from food network. Thought I would pass along.
Expired condiments: I did not know that the ever expired. DUH.. Check your dates...Mine aren't even in the fridge, so
I need to get busy on this, They can be a breeding place for mold and yeast,
Sugar-sweetened beverages.. UGH but they are so addictive. A study showed that Americans consume 21.4 teaspoons each day. WOW..I have been working on trying to eliminate these to at least just one a day.
Coffee creamer..oh no, you are saying not my beloved creamer, but yes are consuming palm oil, hydrogenated oils corn syrup and preservatives. LEt us go back to cream and sugar.
Frozen fried foods--not good. Try to find a recipe and make your own and freeze. Since my grand children eat so much of these, I am making this a goal to find some recipes.
BOTTLED salad dressing--preservatives and gobs of sugar. Make your own!
Rotten fruit..Where did this come from. Keep an eye out for these rotten fruit that seem to hide. Mushy, sticky, moldy--get rid off quick.
Frozen entrees..quick yes, Healthy no!! Fake tasting and salty as all get out. Make a head and freeze small portion.
Ready to bake dough..this I have not thought of??tubes of highly processed ingredients and unhealthy fats. I have to look into this. I tend to use this product a lot.
Processed meats: sodium, nitrates and fat. Be aware, they taste great but loaded--try for the low-sodium-low fat version.
Artificially-Sweetened yogurt? Check ingredients to watch for artifical sweeteners..
So be aware and take another look at your fridge and freezer. Just might help in the weight department and certainly in the health department.

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