The salto family

The salto family
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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Vitamin D

Vitamin D  such a big hipe now for this. Do we Don't we. how much to ,much.
Found a great article that has helped me understand.  Is your sufficient AND most importantly is it a Vit?  not really is is a HORMONE. I did not this and still not sure if I understand.  OF course, the most important aspect of D (the sunshine Vit) is bone health.
But deficiency goes beyond bone/ Studies are showing that it goes to the prevention of other ailments.
 The below information was very enlightening to me from the article: but use with caution
Cancer: could have a anti-cancer benefit. Good stop the growth of some cancers and help during treatment
Hormone functions of insulin, rennin, serotonin and estrogen
OBESity: deficiency could
interfer with the "fullness" hormone
Inflamation: might help in control of inflammation
Immune systems: much research has been done in this area and has shown that Vit D is a much needed ingredient for your system that helps fight disease.

SOOOOOOOOOOOO how much do you need. Another good question!
ages 1-70  which is a very long span  600 IU daily
ages 71 older 800

So how do you get this vit/hormone?
Sunlight ofcourse
some food sources:  cod liver oil, salmon, mackerel tuna, orange juice. yogurt, soy milk, swiss cheese, ready to eat cereal, beef liver.
Supplements: since it is a fat-soluble vit. take the supplement with source containing some fat.
D is also added to calcium which is helpful for both of these supplements
A BIG word of caution it can be toxic. Do not mega dose unless instructed by a Dr.  VIT D is also stored and can build up.  USE with caution.

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