The salto family

The salto family
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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Vitamin D

Vitamin D  such a big hipe now for this. Do we Don't we. how much to ,much.
Found a great article that has helped me understand.  Is your sufficient AND most importantly is it a Vit?  not really is is a HORMONE. I did not this and still not sure if I understand.  OF course, the most important aspect of D (the sunshine Vit) is bone health.
But deficiency goes beyond bone/ Studies are showing that it goes to the prevention of other ailments.
 The below information was very enlightening to me from the article: but use with caution
Cancer: could have a anti-cancer benefit. Good stop the growth of some cancers and help during treatment
Hormone functions of insulin, rennin, serotonin and estrogen
OBESity: deficiency could
interfer with the "fullness" hormone
Inflamation: might help in control of inflammation
Immune systems: much research has been done in this area and has shown that Vit D is a much needed ingredient for your system that helps fight disease.

SOOOOOOOOOOOO how much do you need. Another good question!
ages 1-70  which is a very long span  600 IU daily
ages 71 older 800

So how do you get this vit/hormone?
Sunlight ofcourse
some food sources:  cod liver oil, salmon, mackerel tuna, orange juice. yogurt, soy milk, swiss cheese, ready to eat cereal, beef liver.
Supplements: since it is a fat-soluble vit. take the supplement with source containing some fat.
D is also added to calcium which is helpful for both of these supplements
A BIG word of caution it can be toxic. Do not mega dose unless instructed by a Dr.  VIT D is also stored and can build up.  USE with caution.


It's that season again. Since my youngest daughter has finally been diagnosed with Lyme's I have been very concerned for others in the family. I found an article in Mother earth news about natural prevention. I am not saying not to use the chemicals that help, I am saying that there a natural way that could be also used and used in conjunction. Lyme is a nasty customer that seems to be spreading inland. All should be aware.
Dress defensively: wear a hat, light colored clothes. Tuck clothes into shoes or socks.
Get sticky: Believed it or not the sticky tape like lint roller is great for finding ticks on clothes. Get them before you enter the house if you have been in woods.
Clean up: a 10 minute spin in hot clothes dryer kills any hiding ticks. For yourself, a hot soap bath will help do the trick.
Tick check: do not forget to does this check especially when being in the woods or tall grass. It is a preventive measure. Look under arm, ankles, and hair areas.
Do not forget to mow. Ticks love the high grass areas and shrubbery.
Perfume your pants. Yes ticks do not like the heavy perfume spray like lemon eucalyptus.
So all please be aware and check yourself and love ones. This disease is curable if caught early but hard to detect. Took many test and process of illumination before she was actually diagnosed. The longer the time, the harder it is to treat and the longer recovery system.