The salto family

The salto family
Welcome all

Friday, November 26, 2010


It is normal to be concerned about the effect you have on your immediate world. I have been trying to improve myself, which I believe will in turn help others (maybe). Develop your strengths that you can be an example to others. Take a skill and share it with others. For a better world, I think it is more productive to less For other people and more With them. My youngest daughter came back with Ethiopia with this attitude three fold. She is trying to spread the word and I hope I can help.
Come and spread some hope with people.


Did not get much of this Thursday night. Either ate to much or was t would up. Found this article that should be of help to me and other with the same problem from the staff writer Liz Noelcke.
Go for a soak--the bathtub soothes the body and the mind. Put on some music, lite a candle, add a drop of oils.
Drink it up--Glass of warm milk that is. This is not an old wives tale. Can even drop some vanilla extract. Not appealing? try chamomile tea.
Activity--Try some light reading, watch a boring TV program, sew scrapbook (but in BED). Once you get sleepy hit the sack.
De-stress--The worst thing one can do in bed is SIT. Worrying about not sleeping will not help. Try making a to do list and then leave the thoughts.
Add some noise?--these sounds are called WHITE noises. They will keep the other noises from keeping you awake. Gentle rain, waterfalls, wind noises.
Listen to your body--Try a relaxation video to relax your tension. UNWIND technique, starting at your toes sand move on up.
Last but certainly not least--EXERCISE and consistent nutrition are directly linked to improve sleep. BE aware that exercising just before bed time is not recommended.
Make a routine around the same time every night and stick to i t. Teach your body the signals that will mean it it time for sleepy time.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thought for the Holiday

What are you? A candle or a mirror? What do I mean? Are you the person who spreads light through actions and deeds OR the person that reflects the light?
The gossip, the complainer, the pessimistic show the people around you how unhappy you are. I want to be the positive, happy optimistic person who tries to spread the sunshine and the happiness in this world. Let your actions be the reflection of your beliefs by spreading the word about how good life is.
Let us all try to be the light.


Seems to be what everyone wants. But will money really make one happy. Some food for thought.
Wealth is shoved in our faces on a daily basis and adults pass these ideas onto their children. What are we doing to this genereation and to ouselves. Is "money, money" something we should strive? Strangely studies have shown that the wealthy are not any happier. Sometimes they are less happy, prone to addiction, depression. Might be related to how the money was made and what it used for. The REAL goals are a healthy body and positive life=style. Take care of yourself the best you can and one will be able to obtain the REAL wealth. This could become the new marker for wealth.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sleep stealers

Hey guys, did I find a great article from something called" shine"which uses a panel of nutritionist and dietitians for there articles for yahoo.
Reading this article, I found that I do in deed tend to eat these kinds of foods at night.

Tossing and turning--reminds you of a song Right? Not very great when it happens to one at night. Maybe food is the culprit.

Caffeine..of course we all know this but remember it is a stimulant.
Aged favorite but stay away from basicly all the yummy smelly ones. It seems to be the high level of something called acid tyramine that is known to keep one up.
Spicy foods.. Hot tamale, spicy wings are not going to do your stomach or you sleep habits any good. eat these things earlier in the day.
Processed or smoked meats... Leave these at the deli counter. They also contain high levels of tyramine which seems to release a chemical that makes us alert which we do not want to feel late at night.
Another AH HAH for me Alcohol. People seem to think that alcohol is a depressant, which is not true. It does not really make a person relax and it prevents your body from entering into the deep stage of sleep which leaves you not very well rested.
Milk a stimulant which could keep you restless and awake.
Gingseng tea...another surprise. This tea can also be a stimulant which could cause insomnia and hypertension.
Along with me, try to cut some these out at night and see what happens.

Weight loss mistakes

To avoid

I found that these suggestions where very interesting and seemed to fit me to a T. Maybe they will also help you in your progress.
SLOWER is better. I know we all want to get those pounds off fast but this is really not the way. Unfortunately studies have shown that individuals who go on the crash, fast weight loss diets are ore likely to gain the weight back. The better idea being Make the weight loss the new eating plan.
The slow turtle is not a bad idea.

EVERYONE is different. How cleaver. Yes, we all know this but keep it in mind when you are dieting. One plan might not work the same way that it did for best friend.. Eating right and exercising are the goals which will have the positive impact on your life, no matter what the scale says.

Weight loss is Rarely Constant from week to week. Boo hoo! Another fact that one has to keep in mind. Do not be discourage about the different amount of pounds each week. Remember you are an individual with a very complicated body. Try to be conservative and only jump on that once a month. You will get a more realistic idea.

Weight Loss is not immediate. Cutting calories today and exercising will not show up on the scale at night. Fluctuations could be due to food and water, which seems to be the idea that comes off first. Since No one is perfect, expect to have bumps in the diet road.

Most important (to my mind set anyway) seemed to be advice about eating less-is it really better? Your calorie intake range is based current weight and your goal weight. Be aware of the cycle that is often referred to as "starvation mode" IF a persons body seems to think that you are starving, it will slow down your metabolism and start to hold back on calories. This you do not want t o happen.

taken and adapted from an article by a personal trainer.