We in New Jersey are still in such amess, that when I saw this article I wanted to share. We know our own bodies and can usually tell when something is out of sink but do we do anything about it? Sometimes no!. Below are few hints from the article that I have found useful with a few twist.
For the common cold TRY: gently blowing your nose if mucus is present
Inhaling steam might help to loosen the mucus
Try a warm shower
Drink plenty of fluids (warm liquids)
Increase amount of sleep
Carefully take the nonprescription medicine
BE aware if the congestion last more than two weeks or moves down to chest area
if you have a chronic condition
if you have trouble breathing
Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, queasiness, cramping you might have a viral infection
Drink as much liquid as you can--dehydration is a big concern
Avoid dairy, greasy foods, fried and highly seasoned food, caffeine and alcohol
SEEK medical attention if unable to keep anything down in a 24 hour period
You become dehydrated, weak, dizzy, vomit blood, diarrhea
Some foods suggested in the article and one's I have tried that can be of help..
broth, carbonated beverages, fruit drinks, hard candy, honey especially in tea, Popsicle, ices.
So take of yourself friends, us some common sense and be good.
From B Hand licensed dietitian and spark people and Elaine