The salto family

The salto family
Welcome all

Monday, July 11, 2011


The good and the bad. Funny thing to have but a group of people where having a debate over fats at the pool on Sunday. (ARE we bored?) No just old. Anyway!!
Had some good discussion that I thought might pass on..
A persons body does need good healthy fat to nourish brain, heart and cells.
So let us think about what are good fats monounsaturated fats from plants oils, avocados, nuts and some seeds (pumpkin and sesame). The lower cholesterol and LDL.
Polyunsaturated fats including Omega;s can be found in fatty fish, unheated sunflower, corn, soybean oils.
The point is to try and introduce these into your diet and keep them going.
REDUCE the saturated fats found in animal sources and whole milk diary.
Trans fats found in vege shortening, some margarine, candies, cookies, snack foods, baked goods and of course fried. So just be aware and be wise.

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