The salto family

The salto family
Welcome all

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Is the grass greener

I know that you have heard this saying. Since I have really been doing some thinking lately about where my life is and isn't going, I thought I would just toss out and see if anyone wants to comment.
Are you a comparer: your life to others around?
Do you drool over the lifestyle of the Rich and Famous?
But are they really happy? With the death of Whitney Houston, really makes a person wonder. She was such a star and had the world by her hands....but it seems she was not happy with the life and did not know how to handle the stress--besides drugs.

So step back and take a look at your life as a whole. There might be some good days and some bad days. Don't you think that on a whole you have a wealthy life?
Make a list: own a car or two
many Freedoms
hopefully a job
fairly clean environment
Just watching the news ever night shows one how many people on this earth can not say this.
BE grateful for your life and to the one who provided this for you.
Your life could be someone else's greener grass.


Saw a you-tube video the other day from a health/government source. Thought I would share. I am hearing so much about Omegas and how good they are.
Here are some ofd the best sources of Omega for you to try
Flax, Pumpkin and Hemp seeds
Salmon Sardines
Canola oil

Try adding some of these to your daily meal planning and see how things progress.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

goal setting

It is a new year and new time to rethink goals. I was feeling sort of bogged down to I did some playing around on goals and found a couple of good article on the DO's and Don'ts . So here we go for you fellow humans that may be stuck.
Do's create the PLAN
Start small and build
be specific
track your progress
Find a support system
Make commitment
Don't Wait for someday or somebody
Focus on to much ast a time
Expect perfection, we are human are going to fail
try to do it alone
REMEMBER that we can do it especially if you have a team to help you.
SPARK PEOPLE is my help plus my own family.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


reduce, reuse--we keep hearing these words. But are humans really applying this behavior to daily life. Lets keep the concept going. Carpool..make use of each trip to do several errands at once. By green products-search them out if you have to. Do you have a vision of what this earth is going to look like in fifty years? I do and not a pleasant one..granted Elaine will not be here but her grandchildren certainly will. What are the adults doing for them?
Think about not being such a consumer and try to set an example. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Even give a hand at growing your own. Get some exercise, pick a few flowers, cook some of your own food, walk or ride your bike. Do local activities instead of big expensive trips..
Share your love of this earth with others and spread the word.

v olunteerism

or spread the wealth. Whatever you might want to call it. Have you heard the call. I am hoping that Americans are hearing this call since there is so much need on this planet. Use whatever resources you have, talent, or money and help others. The jester is enlightening for the giver and the receiver.
Want to share some things you might have done. Would love to hear.